
Seal Hunt Essay

The seal hunt in Newfoundland Labrador is a highly debated topic amongst people all over the world. Traditionally, the seal hunt was a way for men in NL to make some cash. during the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries while the seal hunt was flourishing, men of all ages eagerly awaited news that hey were assigned to a berth. The opportunity to make some money for themselves and prove their manhood made the seal hunt very appealing to men during this time. Since then the seal hunt has remained a cherished part of NL culture. In the last few decades debates have arisen, claiming the seal hunt is inhumane and unnecessary. However, I firmly believe that the seal hunt is productive and beneficial to the province, and should remain a major part of our NL heritage.

Each unique place in the world has it own unique traditions. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians view the seal hunt as a tradition. When it began it was a valuable resource and allowed poor fishermen to bring cash home to their families. It was highly anticipated and exciting to everyone. Even young boys tried to sign up about lying about their age! Despite harsh working conditions and hard labour, men looked forward to going out on the ice. The seal hunt has always been appreciated and respected by Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

Seals are an ideal resource for NL because our agricultural industry suffers due to rocky land and cold weather. Sealing has always been beneficial for the NL economy. Seal oil capsules are sold in most pharmacies and are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is good for your brain, eyes and cardiovascular system. Having a balances amount of seal oil can prevent and assist with such mental and/or mood disorders such as ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Dyslexia, and Schizophrenia. It can also be beneficial to people who suffer from rhumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, and asthma (Seal Oil. http://www.sealoil.com). Another use for seals are the pelts. They are soft, warm and water-proof, and are sold in different forms at top dollar. I believe that an industry is great if it brings money to the province. Seal skin coats are an expensive luxury, but they bring lots of revenue to local businesses. Some may argue that it is wrong to wear seal skin coats. However, people have been wearing fur from animals since the beginning of time and will continue to do so forever. If someone thinks it is wrong they can avoid it themselves, but I don't believe it is wrong if people choose to wear the skin of animals that aren't endangered. Perhaps people are against it because seals have a cute and innocent appearance, but they are no different than the cows we slaughter for beef or the chickens we breed for our Sunday dinners. All animals are equal regardless of if one has a more appealing appearance.

Ironically, the controversy surrounding the seal hunt has in itself brought good things to Newfoundland Labrador. Media and publicity of this issue has turned many eyes toward NL. Whether people are for it or against it, the controvesy that has arisen because of the seal hunt has allowed NL to the pleasure of 1) Higher news ratings, and 2) More publicity. No publicity is bad publicity when you're a place that creeps in the shadows of Canada. Lets face it, there is a vast majority of people who don't even know what Newfoundland Labrador is, let alone be interested in it's political or economical world. The controversy surrounding the seal hunt has been beneficial in these ways!

The Atlantic seal hunt in Newfoundland Labrador is a beneficial industry for us to have. It's been a part of our heritage for hundreds of years and has provided income, food, and warmth to many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians for many years. Seals can provide things we need such as vitamins and clothing, and in turn creates a good market for local businesses. Regardless of the controversy that surrounds it, I believe that it brings far more good than bad. I hope that it continues for the years to come, and maybe one day I'll be able to afford a seal skin coat!

The seal hunt in Newfoundland Labrador is a highly debated topic amongst people all over the world. Traditionally, the seal hunt was a way for men in NL to make some cash. During the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries while the seal hunt was flourishing, men of all ages eagerly awaited news that they were assigned to a berth. The opportunity to make some money for themselves and prove their manhood made the seal hunt very appealing to men during this time. Since then the seal hunt has remained a cherished part of NL culture. In the last few decades debates have arisen, claiming the seal hunt is inhumane and unnecessary. However, I firmly believe that the seal hunt is productive and beneficial to the province, and should remain a major part of our NL heritage.

Each unique place in the world has it own unique traditions. Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans view the seal hunt as a tradition. When it began it was a valuable resource and allowed poor fishermen to bring cash home to their families. It was highly anticipated and exciting to everyone. Even young boys tried to sign up about lying about their age! Despite harsh working conditions and hard labour, men looked forward to going out on the ice. The seal hunt has always been appreciated and respected by Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans.

Seals are an ideal resource for NL because our agricultural industry suffers due to rocky land and cold weather. Sealing has always been beneficial for the NL economy. Seal oil capsules are sold in most pharmacies and are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is good for your brain, eyes and cardiovascular system. Having a balanced amount of seal oil can prevent or assist with such mental and/or mood disorders such as ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Dyslexia, and Schizophrenia. It can also be beneficial to people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, and asthma (Seal Oil. http://www.sealoil.com). Another use for seals are the pelts. They are soft, warm and water-proof, and are sold in different forms at top dollar. I believe that an industry is great if it brings money to the province. Seal skin coats are an expensive luxury, but they bring lots of revenue to local businesses. Some may argue that it is wrong to wear seal skin coats. However, people have been wearing fur from animals since the beginning of time and will continue to do so forever. If someone thinks it is wrong they can avoid it themselves, but I don't believe it is wrong if people choose to wear the skin of animals that aren't endangered. Perhaps people are against it because seals have a cute and innocent appearance, but they are no different than the cows we slaughter for beef or the chickens we breed for our Sunday dinners. All animals are equal regardless of if one has a more appealing appearance.

Ironically, the controversy surrounding the seal hunt has in itself brought good things to Newfoundland Labrador. Media and publicity of this issue has turned many eyes toward NL. Whether people are for it or against it, the controversy that has arisen because of the seal hunt has allowed NL to the pleasure of 1) higher news ratings, and 2) more publicity. No publicity is bad publicity when you're a place that creeps in the shadows of Canada. Lets face it, there is a vast majority of people who don't even know what Newfoundland Labrador is, let alone be interested in it's political or economical world. The controversy surrounding the seal hunt has contributed to bringing light and a new audience into the media world of NL!

The Atlantic seal hunt in Newfoundland Labrador is a beneficial industry for us to have. It's been a part of our heritage for hundreds of years and has provided income, food, and warmth to many Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans for many years. Seals can provide things we need such as vitamins and clothing, and in turn creates a good market for local businesses. Regardless of the controversy that surrounds it, I believe that it brings far more good than bad. I hope that it continues for the years to come, and maybe one day I'll be able to afford a seal skin coat myself!


Seal Oil. http://www.sealoil.com.


I repeated some if they fit into more than one category.

Social Environment
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-attendance.-Trudy, Bren, Jeff
-"The Murphy Center is the only place I've worked where I feel I can bring my whole self to work."-Trudy
-Exercise opportunites for young people and staff at least twice a week. -Ron-More attention to drug problems as in prevention of drugs on property and assistance with addictions. -Ron
Student-Teacher Relationship-a lot of staff members do not feel comfortable allowing students too much voice.-Trudy
-hearing more from students about their needs and issues. -Bren
-what is the amount of authority associated with that voice then there is some question about how much voice should be allowed.-Bren
-participant-staff meetings.-Trudy,Bren,Jeff
-being an open presence and helping to create a space where that is encouraged to blossom. -Ron

Peer Relationship

Learning Content
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-wider variety of courses offered-Trudy
-other courses within the high school program, more electives, and more alternative courses; 3 sciences, art, French, more English, socials-Trudy
-handing out worksheets and review questions to people pre-typed instead of giving notes so people will have all the material for every thing even if they are absent.
-closer relations to CONA; being able to audit a particular course. -Lloyd
-more tutoring!!! -Lloyd
Learning Process
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-more flexibility with which courses are available as independent courses-Trudy
-better attendance- Trudy, Bren, Jeff
-work with each individual on their levels; levels of learning, communication, interest.-Trudy
-new lab equipment- microscopes, computer software programs, etc.-Bren
-separate teachers for academic a.b.e and general a.b.e. -Lloyd
-people should be taking on more because they have more free time than normal high school students. -Lloyd

Assess Student Progress
-advisory process: when it comes to timing, and regularity, that advisers should get together on this.-Trudy
-if someone doesn`t want to be an adviser they don`t have to. - Trudy
-being more aware of a person's progress in their academics. -Bren
-a more organized advisory process. - Bren
-a general or even specific outline on what to do during the advisory meetings. -Bren
Mutual Accountability
-Attendance-Trudy, Bren, Jeff--->"if there were 90% of the people there 90% of the time"-Trudy
-Murphy Center should be more student-led, especially with big issues like ones we've faced this year: Drugs and violence.-Trudy
-these kinds of issues should be dealt with by students, or by a combination of staff and students.-Trudy
-student council; not in the tradition sense but in a more collaborative model.- Trudy
-need a better way to deal with dropping out, and we need to present it in such a way that it's not seen as a failure.-Trudy
-Addressing retention better.- Trudy
-talk to participants about their attendance.-Bren, Jeff
-discussion with individual people on why attendance is bad to deal with in individually. -Bren
-Greater accountability and follow through regarding absenteeism. -Ron

Community Relationships
-the idea of a new facility with a completely alternative curriculum.-Trudy, Jeff
-people with significant learning and cognitive difficulties would benefit from a new centre that had a completely alternative curriculum.
-being able to get a high school diploma in a modified school. -More open forum sessions to connect to Center philosophy. -Ron

Sunny Sunday

I finally got the opportunity to meet with Morgan and it went better than I could've imagined. I am officially hired as an off campus researcher for MUN. We're going to be focusing on Youth Advocacy and Youth Voice, and I am so excited to see what the future holds. I also started volunteering with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and St. Patrick's Nursing Home, so it's going to be a busy summer! I am looking forward to it, though, because I am going to be learning a lot about myself. I am going to be involved in a diverse list of activities in hopes of finding out a lot about what i want, what I want do to, and who I want to be. I am going to be learning new skills this summer and I am soooo freaking excited i could scream. Things are good, and even when they're bad, they're still good!

I have a new little cousin named Harold William Brown, and he is so adorable. He's the seventh child of my Uncle Keith and Aunt Teresa's and they named him after Papa and Dad. I hope I get to see the new little one plus all the others really soon!

I am in the process of putting my 'facilitator ideas' on the Wheel that we have, so that's been taking me a bit of time. I found a really cool website totally dedicated to Youth Voice and Yotuh Advocacy so I will be trying to make the time to check all that out! THe website is: www.freechild.org

Working at The Cellar a lot now, and public exams are coming up so I'll be super busy with that but hopefully once school is over I can focus on my research!!! :) :) :) :)

Love is in the Air!!!


essay ideas

"Benefits of technology outweigh far outweigh the drawbacks". Being a frequent user and lover of technology, I'd like to tell you I agree with that statement. However, I cannot help prefer the notion that we would be better suited without technology. Obviously, you have to accept the goods with the bads: without technology we would lack good health care. But what if we lived into a world without technology? Would children still be expected to begin work at a young age to help support their families? Would people still be expected to do mathematical equations on paper? Would families stay closer together? Would the world be a better place? Such questions as these have to be considered when weighing your opinion on technology, and for me these issues are enough to make me realize that the benefits of technology do not outweigh the drawbacks.
One example of why I firmly believe technology is ruining our society is evident in our children. There once was a time where kids were expected to go outside and play. Now majority of kids own a gaming system. I can't even count the number of kids I know that get off school, go home and get right into the video games. My two little brothers are teenagers now, and they grew up on video games. If children (and teenagers) took the time they spent on video games and put it towards something healthy such as a part-time job, a sport, art, music, volunteering, or school work there would be so must more productivity in their daily life. A healthy brain and body relies on healthy sensory input, and healthy experiences which allow you to grow as a person. If you only play video games on your spare time you're missing out on a lot of other things in life. This sounds drastic, but it's true! There are people out there that play video games for a good portion of their waking hours. Because video games have advanced so much in the last 12 years, they are realistic and memorizing. People become consumed in the stories and the goals. Not only have they become more realistic, but they have become more explicit and hardcore. There are warning labels on the Grand Theft Auto IV game that is out recently, and I would assume it's supposed to be for 18 year olds. However, I know my 16-year-old and 14-year-old brother both play this game. There are vivid and explicit references to drugs, prostitutes, sex, and other adult themes that I really wouldn't want any young person to be exposed to. The technology of video games are my number one enemy, and are a good example of the drawbacks of technology.
Technology is also affecting the intelligence of people. Although people have easy access to all sorts of wonderful information, web sites, books, art, etc. , by grade ten you are using a calculator in mathematics.

to be continued...



I've been checking out volunteer opportunities on different websites and stuff. I really want to dedicate some time and effort to the community. I got a reply from The Love of Learning program they offer at Gower Street United Church. They have a teen art program that they need volunteers for, right in my ballpark! (and neighborhood). My life has been very stressful lately. I want to find a job that I enjoy and that allows me to contribute to a higher goal, instead of just catering to the wants of upper class, unappreciative people. I have culinary skills (and good ones at that) but I have so much more potential to make this world a little better, and I feel like I'm wasting time. The Cellar has taught me good organization skills, how to work with others, great work ethic, responsibility, and lots and lots of other things, but I think I've reaped from it what I can, and I need to move on. When I mention this to my Dad, however, he disagrees. I've decided to just go ahead and do things, and let him know when the time comes, instead of trying to run it by him beforehand. He's just going to have to suck it up like a big boy.

Does anyone have any creative ideas for making money? I want to utilize this summer to save as much as I possibly can, so when the fall semester comes around I can be less stressed.

I wonder if I have to take a full-course load to qualify for a (good) student loan/grant.

Hmmm??? *ponders*


I'm trying to put my feelings into words...

giving a group of troubled people a good feeling, an opportunity, a reason to get up, a drive, a motive...... a voice..
and then just dropping it for a few weeks. if you're going to take on this responsibility you should be consistent because people like us-can do really great and wonderful things- but while it's so fresh and so new to us, so foreign, we need consistency

It's a longer fall from the top type thing

An MSN conversation that got me thinkin....

Between me and my wonderful teacher/adviser/friend Trudy.

Linda needs a vacation. said:
I'm almost 20 years old and I haven't had a childhood. I've partied, had fun, but I've never had no responsibilities. I'm so sick of responsibility i could puke.

Trudy & Jason said:
What would your ideal no-responsibility life look like right now, if you could have it?

Linda needs a vacation. said:
Living with Mommy. No school. No bills. No debts. No man. Just me and my mommy and our kitties and the backyard. and paints and beads and crayons... and music that i like. and not feeling like i'm annoying when i want to be immature.

Trudy & Jason says:
That does sound like a vacation. By which I mean, I can't imagine you wanting to live like that indefinitely (though some people do) but I can see how it would be a nice break for awhile.
Linda needs a vacation. says:
uh huh

Linda needs a vacation. says:
and there's no drive pushing me to go to school right now. i hate the book we're reading. I don't want to sit in biology along. I hate the busride, and there's been no freaking word from my research team.. the research was really keeping me going but now it's like it's gone i dunno

Trudy & Jason says:
Well, you have 40 days till exams are over and you can put it all behind you forever. Why not focus on the most efficient way to get through those 40 days and plan how you can enjoy at least some elements of an irresponsible vacation once it's over?
Linda needs a vacation. says:
well i have been studying for exams and doing my questions and stuff. I'm not falling behind in my school work. I will do great on exams. But this summer, ughhhh, I have to work 2 full-time jobs this summer in order to pay off my debts and save a little bit before i go to mun

Linda needs a vacation. says:
mun is my sorrows demise

Linda needs a vacation. says:
or maybe TIME is

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i dont have enough time to do all this before mun starts

Trudy & Jason says:
I can see why that would make you feel pressured. How would you feel if you didn't start MUN in September? Would it give you more of a break to wait a semester, or would you feel like you were getting behind?

Trudy & Jason says:
By the way (tangent because I'm clearing papers off my desk) did I give you your mark on the research essay?

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I would love to wait a semester and work my ass off to have some money so i could live comfortabley and debt free. but the pressure is on now to start mun in september. my family is pressuring me.

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Linda needs a vacation. says:
oh yes

Trudy & Jason says:

Linda needs a vacation. says:
88 or something

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Trudy & Jason says:
It's too bad your family is pressuring you, although I guess if it were one of my kids I'd be saying "Yeah you should start MUN as soon as possible" ... but you have to do what's best for you.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I know...

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I would LOVE to start in January

Trudy & Jason says:
I know what you mean about responsibility -- surprise! it doesn't get better as you get older -- the other day I was whining about how EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of my life I'm responsible for someone else, either work or family...

Linda needs a vacation. says:
yeah i know. but did you have a good childhood?

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i know my life is going to be filled with responsibilities, but it feels like i've missed out.

Trudy & Jason says:
...and while I love both those things and don't want to lose either, I think the idea of a "vacation," a temporary break, can keep you going sometimes, which is why I think you need to structure your time so you can give yourself a little break to look forward to.

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Trudy & Jason says:
Yes, I can see how you're feeling a sense of loss over some "carefree" time that you missed out on as a child.

Trudy & Jason says:
You can't recreate what you lost (and remember that with great power comes great responsibility, according to Spiderman's uncle, so if you give up responsibilities you lose power, which I doubt you'd like long term) ... but you can compensate for it.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I want to go to MUN in January so bad. I've thought about this before you mentioned it, don't worry. You haven't gone and put crazy ideas in my head.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I need compensation for a lot of things hahahaha

Trudy & Jason says:
But nobody will compensate you -- you have to figure out for yourself how to get what you need.
Trudy & Jason says:
Personally, the hope of a weekend in Eastport with my girlfriends this summer is what's keeping me going at the moment!

Linda needs a vacation. says:
unfortunately, i need money. i need to be debt free because im going to have enough stress to deal with without debts.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I can't vacation because that costs money. I have to save money, and pay rent and bills in the process.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
it's near impossible.

Trudy & Jason says:
That is difficult. But I doubt it's unsolvable for someone with your skills.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
School in January.... do you know the pros and cons?

Trudy & Jason says:
Pros and cons from what perspective?

Trudy & Jason says:
I don't think it makes much difference in terms of classes; all the first year classes would be offered in January just the same as in Sept.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i would be a semester behind? but i would be ahead financially

Trudy & Jason says:
I'm not sure how much the concept of being a semester "behind" means in university -- might depend on what program you're going into. It would be worth a conversation with Kim, I think, since she'd have more specific info on how it might affect you.

Trudy & Jason says:
Being ahead financially and less stressed would improve your chances of success, I would think.
Linda needs a vacation. says:
me too.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
do you mind if i copy-paste this conversation into my blog?

Trudy & Jason says:
Sure, that's fine.

Trudy & Jason says:
(scrolling back to see if i said anything i don't want saved ...)

Trudy & Jason says:
no it's ok

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i do think i'd do way better in my first year at mun if i waws financially prepared

Linda needs a vacation. says:
and up to december at work its always busy so i could make lots of monney

Trudy & Jason says:
And the drawback is that your parents don't like this idea?

Linda needs a vacation. says:
my parents, my grandma, my aunts,

Trudy & Jason says:
Why do they think it's important for you to go in September? What's their reasoning?

Trudy & Jason says:
Looks like I have absolutely NOBODY here for history class...

Trudy & Jason says:
Only had Dempsey for English and we played Essay Boot Camp again...

Linda needs a vacation. says:
well dad says he doesn't want me to "fall out of learning".. ya know, whhen you dont go to school for awhile it can be harder...

gramma is shocked that i am still in high school, she's always at me.. i think mom and nanny would understand if i explained it to them, but then again people have been telling me to do it regardless of the financial burdens but i dont think they realize the capacity of my financial stress right now.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
oh yes, essay boot camp is good

Trudy & Jason says:
Yeah, it worked on Joey yesterday too ...

Trudy & Jason says:
I think parents have a real fear that if their kids don't head to university right after high school they will never go. I may be the same way when my kids are finishing high school, but from my experience now it seems far more likely that going to university when you're not ready ...

Trudy & Jason says:
(whether financially, or emotionally, or just don't know what you want to do with your education) is much more likely to lead to failure or dropout.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i know.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
i wish my dad would understand this.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
and my gramma

Trudy & Jason says:
I'd rather see my kids take a year off to work or travel or volunteer or whatever and then go when they know what they're doing ... I say that NOW ...

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I'd like just to take a semester off to fix this money mess i've gotten myself into, and to save up so i can still live comfortably

Linda needs a vacation. says:
and if i dont start mun in September i dunno if Morgan can hire me

Linda needs a vacation. says:
but i haven't heard from her in weeks so I'm feeling kind of abandoned

Trudy & Jason says:
Wasn't Morgan away for awhile? I think she's back now though because she was here yesterday.

Trudy & Jason says:
It would be interesting to hear Morgan's thoughts on going to MUN in January rather than September too -- from a more "university" perspective -- as well as how that would affect her hiring you.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
she was there yesterday????/

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I wonder if it was for a meeting or not.

Trudy & Jason says:
Not for the research group though ... meeting with Anne and someone else from outside about something.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
oh ok

Linda needs a vacation. says:
ya she was away, but i've emailed her and blogged and asked ann a bajillion times

Trudy & Jason says:
I think there is supposed to be something going on next week (Tuesday?) about the lounge painting project though, speaking of things you wouldn't want to miss.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
Oh really, ok thanks for letting me know.

Trudy & Jason says:
That's if the person Ann is bringing in can make it ... I was just talking to her about it and she said Tuesday.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
oh ok

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I don't think Morgan and Ann know the seriousness of contacting people in the group

Trudy & Jason says:
How do you mean?

Linda needs a vacation. says:
for them, when the group isn't on the go they have other things to deal with, other obligations, but for people like me who sit at home and check blogger every 20 minutes to see if there's any updates, i mean, if they don't contact me or fall behind it really effects me because this research group is the most significant thing in my life right now.. ya know what i mean?

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I've been logging hours and doing work because Morgan told me to (log the hours), and i haven't heard from her since. none of my stuff has been even looked at.

Trudy & Jason says:
Yes, but I think you need to let THEM know that ... I don't think they realize how important it is to you right now. Because, as you said, they do have a lot else going on.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
Well I mean, when you start something as radical as this, when you tell a group of youth that they CAN make a difference and everything is going well and there's a steady flow to things, when people look forward to going and use it as a reason to get up in the morning, well then if it diminishes so does my feeling of self worth.

Linda needs a vacation. says:
they should be aware of this when dealing with youth, it's new and exciting to us, and fragile.

Trudy & Jason says:
Maybe they overestimate your resilience. But it sounds like a perfect opportunity to be your own advocate.

Linda needs a vacation. says:

Linda needs a vacation. says:
I don't understand

I'm so utterly confused and stressed out. I want to start school in January. I've been schooling for 2 years FLAT OUT now and I need a break! I need money. MOney money money.



Interview with Joey


What Joey says about the last meeting:

"I was sitting there, Deanne was on my left and Ann was two my right at the head of table. Ann was lovin' it. We started talking about the ideas that were up on the board, and we talked about what we could add to what was already there. There were ideas of the board of things that could help make the changes we want. I suggested a music program or something to do with music."

Linda:What does youth advocacy mean to you?
Joey:It's wicked, we need it. Children, teenager mainly, and children, everyone should get a say in what they want to do because everyone is different and everyone is interested in different things, so we have to have a say in what we do. We know what we like, and yes we know what we have to and sometimes we don't wanna do it, but that's why we have adults there man.

Linda:So you believe in enforcement?
Joey:No I believe we should have a say in what we do but we can't go crazy with it, we have to have some certain amount of.... like parents know best for their children obviously. Honestly, our parents do kind of own us, because we do come from them.

Linda:What would be the major change that you would like to see next?
Joey:The changes we are going to work on as a group.. Well there's so many things I can think about because we can try to start working with with the actual youth. We have to get that lounge done. I am excited to help out with it and I have good ideas! At one of the meetings we talked about the lounge and there was a lot of different people there (an open meeting) and people were giving ideas about the lounge and it was really good because we got a lot of ideas done. We chose virtues and I was going through and picking good meanings that apply to us, and Roger was going through taking some out too. An idea suggested was to put the words somewhere like on the floor or ceiling or stain glass. I suggested stain glass words that would shine into the lounge. Another idea was taking the ceiling boards and different groups can decorate it. And then Carol suggested to have a tree (an artificial one) in the lounge! Good stuff. Good ideas. We're going to put murals up, I think.

Linda:How do you make your everyday curriculum and lifestyle in school as alternative as possible?
Joey:I do usually post-pone tests in biology, and I find that the teachers are a lot more easy going; they actually respect you and they understand that you are there because you couldn't deal with high school. You couldn't just, talk, throughout high school. I talked a lot in high school. I consider the amount of respect I get from the Murphy Centre as alternative to high school.

Linda:If you had done something differently in high school, what would it have been?
Joey:I would've been more involved with high school. I look back and I regret not being a part of the community. I was involved in the musical and choir but I could've easily been someone to stay on Student Council, and I regret not doing as good as I could have. I do understand why i didn't do good and it was because I simply didn't want to- I didn't want to do anything. I just went to school and I was social, barely did a thing. Although i find when I have something important going on in life i tend to do better in school. Like when I was in the musical, I kept all my grades up.

Linda:What's a challenge you feel at the M.C right now?
Joey:A challenge? A challenge to stay on course. I was doing a lot better in the beginning than I'm doing now. I'm still doing good in biology and English, but I have a low mark in math. I don't think the school could help me, it's just me.

Linda:What are you passionate about?
Joey:You know what I'm passionate about? Fund raising. I think that we need to start fund raising because we do have a bit of money there but we are going to need more if we want to make as many changes as we can within this school, and then maybe someday into the community. so when you look at it it's going to take a lot of money. This is really going to go somewhere and we need to have the funds to back it up. We could have car washes, or a show, or even for the older students a pub crawl. It is important because if we want little things done (lounge, etc) we're going to need money. So why not start the fund raising?

Linda:Would you be interested in the idea of a talent show?

Our meeting has to be cut short because I have to go to work. Cya everyone!


Bad Dreams

"Last night I had the strangest dream, still a litle bit fuzzy can't remember it clean..."

1) To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life. (http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/d.htm).

2) To dream that you are sad, suggests that you need to learn from your disappointments and make yourself happy. Try not to dwell on the negative. (http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/s.htm)

3) To dream of snow in all its forms, on trees, storms, etc., is a dream of very good omen which shows you will have success in business or investments, but if you should eat the snow this will presage a long period of sadness for the dreamer.( http://www.sleeps.com/dictionary/sss.html)

4) Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another. Death dreams usually have positive symbolism. If you are the dead person in your dream, it could imply that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin anew. Dreaming about someone that you care about may express your fear about losing them. Dreaming that one of your parents died may express fear of loss, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release anger and other negative feelings. In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity. (http://www.maljonicsdreams.com/Dream_Dictionary/Death.htm)

5) Snow symbolises chilled and unexpressed emotions or emotions that have been repressed for an extended period of time. The snow in your dream suggests that you or someone else is emotionally cold, unresponsive, and indifferent. Clean, white snow may represent innocence, truth, peace and relaxation. Virgin snow, as you may see it covering a beautiful landscape, may represent new beginnings or a new way of seeing things and dirty snow may represent guilt.

Hmm.. All of these seem to be bullshit to me.. However, some things ring a bell.

I had a dream that my Dad and Uncle Chris died! My Nanny and I were together crying and I felt the emotions really strongly. We were out in a snowstorm, trying to round everyone up. I remember a bunch of people from the Cellar there and me having to tell them what happened, an then Dano said he was going to quit and I flippped out at him. Everyone was turning against me and I felt this crazy overwhelming sadness. I remember thinking to myself, "I will never be able to talk to my Uncle Chris again.. He was too young". But when I thought about my Dad I didn't feel as bad because I had seen it coming. I know I don't feel that way in real life about my Dad, and I know it was just a dream, but damn. how depressing.