
Organizing my time.

3 jobs.

It's going to be a busy summer.

My schedule for this week is jammed. I love being busy though, it keeps me going.

Tomorrow is school and studying to the max, and I have to take photos for a bulletin we're doing for our research group. I'm hoping that I can start my new job selling home security systems tomorrow. Not the most glamorous job but it brings in some money.

Tuesday I have school until 11 where I have to pick up the transcripts from Morgan to read over. Lunch with Nanny is my little escape after that, and then studying. Tuesday night I am supposed to go St. Phillips to do the workship with the elementary kids with CPAWS, so I hope I'm still doing that.

Wednesday is school again and alas more studying, and hopefully some more work with the new security system job. I think I'll have time on Wednesday to go over the transcripts as well.

Thursday is school and work at the Cellar.

Friday is my POTLUCK!! :) :) :)

Saturday is work at 2. Hopefully some hoolahooping beforehand is it's sunny.

And in between all of this I'll hopefully have some time to go up the East Coast Trail, do some volunteering at CPAWS, and hoolahoop!

I can't wait until the paychecks start coming in. It's going to be a big relief, being able to dedicate whole paychecks to bills and whatnot, and then having some to save! This is the beginning of the beginning. I am still collecting donations ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wednesday is actually softball at school...