My very first blog entry, how it rings so true today!
"Hello Everyone,
I was first drawn to the idea of a research group by a flashy red sign posted in the Murphy Center hallway. Being the type of person who is automatically attracted to anything having to do with science, I joined up. I must admit, I walked into Ann's classroom expecting to be the guinea pig for a student research survey. I'd fill out a bunch of sheets, give my 2 cents about my education, and be on my way. I've done things like this before and rarely gave it a second thought afterwards. Once the first meeting started I was quick to realize that I was very wrong- it wasn't at all what I expected it to be. It was 100 times better! Far more exciting than simply taking part in a one-time survey.
When I learned that what I had joined was far more than I expected, I was thrilled. I am going to be directly involved in improvements, changes, updates, and more at the Murphy Center. I am going to have the opportunity to work along with some very influential people whom I admire very much, with the common goal and passion of improving education. I am going to learn new skills and hopefully discover some hidden talents that I didn't know I had. I feel as if this is an ample opportunity to have my voice heard. I am confident that I can represent and relate to the needs and wants of the students as well as instructors at the Murphy Center. I am excited that we have been lucky enough to receive a grant from Memorial to put toward our research, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
This entire ordeal really struck home for me. I was recently accepted into Memorial University for the fall semester in September, and I am planning on going into the Sciences. I feel as though I am at an age where my choices and decisions are very crucial. I have all sorts of different paths set out to choose from and research was definately in my future. I have recently been frequently discussing my want to be a researcher- or a scientist I called it, as well as an educator. I have a passion for people and science so I figured the two were a great mix. I also chose MUN as I wanted to get affiliated with the political world and be some sort of an activist. I have a lot of ideas and a need to put my mind to the test (as well as a lot of complaints about "the system").
When I met Morgan I admired her instantly. She is in the position that I want to see myself in in the future. She is what I would consider my role model. I believe our team is very strong and capable of doing great things. I must also include that if it wasn't for the Murphy Center, I may not have ever been associated with such a wonderful group. I see this as the beginning of my career, really, which is a big huge step for me. Thanks everyone, for this opportunity, and I look forward to gettin' to it!"
I started my job with the Murphy Centre today. Morgan and I get to work together for 6 weeks. Wow! It's already awesome.
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