

I repeated some if they fit into more than one category.

Social Environment
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-attendance.-Trudy, Bren, Jeff
-"The Murphy Center is the only place I've worked where I feel I can bring my whole self to work."-Trudy
-Exercise opportunites for young people and staff at least twice a week. -Ron-More attention to drug problems as in prevention of drugs on property and assistance with addictions. -Ron
Student-Teacher Relationship-a lot of staff members do not feel comfortable allowing students too much voice.-Trudy
-hearing more from students about their needs and issues. -Bren
-what is the amount of authority associated with that voice then there is some question about how much voice should be allowed.-Bren
-participant-staff meetings.-Trudy,Bren,Jeff
-being an open presence and helping to create a space where that is encouraged to blossom. -Ron

Peer Relationship

Learning Content
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-wider variety of courses offered-Trudy
-other courses within the high school program, more electives, and more alternative courses; 3 sciences, art, French, more English, socials-Trudy
-handing out worksheets and review questions to people pre-typed instead of giving notes so people will have all the material for every thing even if they are absent.
-closer relations to CONA; being able to audit a particular course. -Lloyd
-more tutoring!!! -Lloyd
Learning Process
-some sort of funding for either materials or to pay staff-Trudy
-more flexibility with which courses are available as independent courses-Trudy
-better attendance- Trudy, Bren, Jeff
-work with each individual on their levels; levels of learning, communication, interest.-Trudy
-new lab equipment- microscopes, computer software programs, etc.-Bren
-separate teachers for academic a.b.e and general a.b.e. -Lloyd
-people should be taking on more because they have more free time than normal high school students. -Lloyd

Assess Student Progress
-advisory process: when it comes to timing, and regularity, that advisers should get together on this.-Trudy
-if someone doesn`t want to be an adviser they don`t have to. - Trudy
-being more aware of a person's progress in their academics. -Bren
-a more organized advisory process. - Bren
-a general or even specific outline on what to do during the advisory meetings. -Bren
Mutual Accountability
-Attendance-Trudy, Bren, Jeff--->"if there were 90% of the people there 90% of the time"-Trudy
-Murphy Center should be more student-led, especially with big issues like ones we've faced this year: Drugs and violence.-Trudy
-these kinds of issues should be dealt with by students, or by a combination of staff and students.-Trudy
-student council; not in the tradition sense but in a more collaborative model.- Trudy
-need a better way to deal with dropping out, and we need to present it in such a way that it's not seen as a failure.-Trudy
-Addressing retention better.- Trudy
-talk to participants about their attendance.-Bren, Jeff
-discussion with individual people on why attendance is bad to deal with in individually. -Bren
-Greater accountability and follow through regarding absenteeism. -Ron

Community Relationships
-the idea of a new facility with a completely alternative curriculum.-Trudy, Jeff
-people with significant learning and cognitive difficulties would benefit from a new centre that had a completely alternative curriculum.
-being able to get a high school diploma in a modified school. -More open forum sessions to connect to Center philosophy. -Ron

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